A Gluecon Re-write
I woke up and did some re-writing of the Gluecon homepage - so I thought I'd share:As the "cloud" becomes a common platform, web applications still live in a "stovepipe" world. It's not a question of "should we move to the cloud?" It's a question of once some, or most, or all of our web applications live in the cloud, how do we handle the problems of scalability, security, identity, storage, integration and interoperability? What was the problem of "enterprise application integration" in the late 90s, is now the cambrian explosion of web-based applications that will demand similar levels of integration. The problem, put simply, is how to "glue" all of these apps, data, people, work-flows, and networks together.Glue is the only conference devoted solely to this new problem-set facing architects, developers and integrators. At Glue, we'll explore the new technologies that are forming around web applications in a post-cloud world. At Glue, we'll aim to explore things like:APIs & Protocols: Twitter, Facebook, Websockets, PubSubHubBub (PUSH), XMPPLanguages/Frameworks: JQuery, Zend, Ruby/Rails, Git, Django, Dojo, Scala/LiftFormats/Standards: RDF/Linked Data, JSON, Microformats, HTML5Open Data: DBPedia, Geonames, Data.gov, AWS Public Data Sets, Open Street Map, Open Calais, Alchemy APIPlatforms/Providers: Amazon, Rackspace, Goog App Engine, Heroku, EucalyptusStorage: SQL vs. NoSQL (Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, Voldemort, Dynomite, Sherpa, Pig, Hadoop, Drizzle, etc)Identity: OAuth/WRAP, OpenID, SAML, InfoCards, SPML...and much more.Glue is about all of the bits and pieces, APIs and meta-data, standards and connectors that will help us to glue together the varying applications of a post-cloud world. If you're a developer, architect, designer or implementer that's living in this world, or just new to exploring it, Gluecon is the place for you.