Afternoon 1 of Glue

Yesterday, I took a quick glance at what morning 1 of Glue will bring, so I thought I'd do the same for afternoon 1 of Glue (this is, by no means, all inclusive).On afternoon 1 of Glue, you'll find/discover things like:1. OAuth, OpenID and how they play into web architectures and services - with Andrew Nash (of PayPal) and Danny Kolke (of etelos).2. How to secure cloud infrastructure - presented by George Reese, who has an upcoming O'Reilly book on the subject.3. Platforms and Clouds: how to build out web apps in the sky --- Peter Coffee (from, and we'll be adding some Azure and IBM folks as well.4. More on data portability from Ben Metcalfe, Daniela Barbosa and Chris Saad (maybe the cloud guys should talk to the data portability guys, huh?)5. Understanding complex event processing across web apps from Mike Clymer.6. Overcoming integration challenges from Rick Nucci.7. The role of XMPP (the protocol behind jabber) in web oriented architectures -- from 3 XMPP bigwigs - Peter Saint-Andre, Jack Moffitt, and Seth Fitzsimmons8. Harnessing the Cloud - Mike West of Saugatuck (one of the few, early and accurate analyst shops in the cloud space)....and that's not everything.If the morning of day 1 and the afternoon of day 1 don't exhaust you, fear not --we've still got the evening reception and the post-reception gatherings to keep your brain spinning. And we still have to get to day 2.

glue conference