APIs and DevOps at Gluecon
Two of the hottest areas in tech this year are APIs (which we've been covering for over 5 years) and DevOps. As such, I thought I'd pull together what we've got going at Gluecon around these topics.APIs at GlueconThings kick off on May 20th, with the APIStrat Tech Un-Workshop on Gluecon (from 1pm to 6pm at the Omni Interlocken). Please note: this event if free and open to the public (you do not need to be registered for Gluecon to attend), but you *must* register for one of the 150 seats.Then, on the 21st and 22nd (Gluecon proper), you'll find sessions dealing with APIs, like:"API SDKs will ruin your life""API First: Designing your Product from the Platform Out""Why Your Next API Should Be Designed By A Linguist""Exploring approaches for maliciously hacking APIs...and how to prevent them""Building an API strategy for Enterprise Scale""How To Secure Your REST API The Right Way""Taming the RESTed NARWHL: Striking the Balance Between Usability and Zealotry in REST""10 Reasons Why Developers Hate Your API (and what to do about it)""Describe, Design, and Connect your API faster with Swagger""Introducing Tensile! A next generation API gateway built on Node.js""Creating APIs in the Enterprise""Building Event Driven API Services Using Webhooks"DevOps at GlueconOn the DevOps side, things kick off on the 20th with Camp DevOps @Gluecon, at the Atlas Building on the campus of the University of Colorado-Boulder, from 8:30am to 4:30pm. This event is free to gluecon attendees, and a mere $49.99 to non-gluecon registrants. Seating is limited, so be sure to grab your seat.Then, on the 21st and 22nd (Gluecon proper), you'll find DevOps sessions, like:"Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet""The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers""DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers""6 things you don't know about SaltStack""How Ansible Makes Automation Easy""Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS""Why Docker + Ansible make Chef and Puppet 100% Unnecessary""Amplifying Docker""Automation and DevOps: How to Create a Lights-Out Software Defined Data Center""VPC Migration: Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle""Managing Containers at Scale on Google Compute Engines""MobileDevOps: Mobile Apps, APIs, and DevOps""Gaming AWS : how Docker helped us reduce hosting costs by 70%""How to deploy Continous Delivery in an embedded development project""Flynn: Building the Ideal Developer Platform""Beyond "f*#&ing shell scripts": why infrastructure maintenance takes orchestration"Of course, there's *much* more than just APIs and DevOps on the agenda (big data, analytics, SDKs, mobile, etc) -- you can check out the full agenda here.Lastly, if you're not arriving until the evening of the 20th, make sure to head down to The Tap Room (at the Omni Interlocken), where you'll find yourself surrounded by a multitude of arriving gluecon attendees enjoying a Colorado microbrew.If you're not registered for gluecon yet, use the code "eric10" to grab 10% off of your seat, and join us!