Defy Ventures at Gluecon

Over the past few years, we've tried to highlight some inspiring non-profits at our events. Organizations like Cultivating Coders (which runs coding bootcamps on Native American Reservations in New Mexico), and Powering Potential (which provides solar-powered computers to children in Tanzania) have really impacted all of us that had the privilege of hearing them present.In February, I saw Catherine Hoke of Defy Ventures present at the Upfront Summit, and I immediately knew that we had to have her come to Gluecon. If you're not familiar with what Defy does, I'll let them describe it:"Defy recognizes that many former drug dealers and gang leaders can become successful, legal entrepreneurs. We “transform the hustle” of our currently and formerly incarcerated Entrepreneurs-in-Training (EITs) by offering intensive leadership development, Shark Tank-style business plan competitions, executive mentoring, financial investment, and startup incubation. We give our EITs a legitimate chance to succeed and equip them to become profitable entrepreneurs, stellar employees, engaged parents, and committed role models and leaders in their communities."Imagine venture capitalists and entrepreneurs "going to prison" to help imprisoned individuals learn to be entrepreneurs.Catherine's presentation was *easily* one of the most inspiring things that I've ever seen at a tech conference, and I cannot wait to have her share her and Defy's story with you at Gluecon. Bonus: you'll get to find out how you can change someone's life forever.It's virtually impossible for me to over-hype how much you're going to love this. Please, please, please do not miss this.
