Early Bird Expiring
I've written about the value. I've pointed to the agenda. I've blogged about the keynotes we're lining up. And now we're coming up on early bird pricing expiring.Bottom line: The agenda is not complete yet. I'm still working on *multiple* surprises that I'm not able to speak about publicly yet, but I assure you, it only gets better from here (and "here" is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself). Glue is planting the flag: If you develop in or for the cloud, or you're going to be (hint: every developer -- in the enterprise and out -- is going to be), then Gluecon is the place for you. As I said to a vendor on the phone the other day, we're not debating the "economics of the cloud," we're not even debating whether or not the move will happen, and we're certainly not wasting time on fluff. At Gluecon, we're getting down to brass tacks -- and quick.From the apache cloud stack to SAML to Riak to Heroku to OAuth to provisioning to legal issues to SLAs to API management to API terms of service to major cloud platform providers (and so much more) -- the sheer breadth of topics we're covering makes Glue worth it, and when you add in the depth of the content -- well, come judge for yourself.If you're coming from outside of Colorado, you'll be able to attend Glue (and get airfare and get hotel) for less than the cost of just registering for other "cloud" events (even after they offer you 40% off of their "standard price").And if you live in Colorado and work on software, then missing out on Gluecon would just be silly (yes, silly).The early bird price is $525 (that covers 2 full days of conference with meals provided, the evening reception with open bar, and the hackathon), and after next Friday, April 2nd, it's going away. Don't end up costing yourself money, and don't lose the opportunity to meet with, hack with, and interact with some of the brightest minds in software.Register now.