Gluecon at a Glance

Early Bird prices expire at the end of this week, so I thought it might be useful to give a "Gluecon at a Glance."

We start off on Tuesday, May 22nd with CloudCamp. CloudCamp is run by Dave Nielsen, and will start off with a couple of workshops (one on PaaS, one on Iaas, and one on using Twilio), and then spend from 4-8pm-ish doing the CloudCamp unconference thing. (Important note: CloudCamp is free and open to the public; you do not need to be registered for Gluecon to attend CloudCamp.) After CloudCamp, you'll find the arriving Gluecon attendees gathering in the Tap Room at Omni Interlocken (the hotel/resort where Glue is located).

Wednesday, May 23rd kicks off Gluecon proper with keynotes by Chris Hoff (a.k.a. Beaker), James Governor (of Redmonk fame), and Toby Ford (of AT&T). From keynotes, we move into "3-wide" breakout sessions (I've outlined some of those here). In addition to the breakout sessions that run all afternoon (and run deep), we have workshops that are 4 hours in length, and aim to tackle one specific topic in extreme depth (one on Netflix's cloud architecture and one on CloudFoundry). Day One closes out with keynotes by Laura Merling (of Alcatel-Lucent) and John Musser (of ProgrammableWeb).

Wednesday evening has two major happenings: 1) the evening reception (open bar and appetizers), and 2) the hackathon. We're putting a lot more emphasis on the hackathon this year - and I'll be posting a bunch about it in the coming days...but needless to say, we'll be setting you up for building something cool, using some remarkable APIs, and winning some awesome prizes (stay tuned for more on that).

Thursday, May 23rd, launches us back into keynotes by James Urquhart (enStratus), Max Shireson (10gen), and Ray O'Brien (NASA and Jason Venner (Mirantis). The bulk of day 2 is devoted to 3-wide breakout sessions. One thing that should stand out nearly immediately is that you won't see panels in the breakout sessions at Gluecon. What you will see are solo speakers tackling specific technical topics. The day closes out with Bart Lorang (FullContact) - CEO of last year's Demo Pod winner -- passing the mantle to this year's Demo Pod winner (which gluecon attendees will vote on via a Twilio app).

That's Gluecon: wall to wall substance. And if you've never been, please also know that at Gluecon you'll find AWESOME wifi, plenty of powerstrips, and a welcoming crowd that seems "just right" in terms of size. If you're exploring cloud, big data and mobile technologies, I hope you'll take a serious look at grabbing an early bird ticket. Join us!

glue conference