Gluecon: Face-melting tiger blood with Adonis DNA
This week it all officially begins: the countdown to what I will now unabashedly say is going to be the developer Cloud Computing/API event of the year - Gluecon.
I'm beginning work on the early agenda. We have workshops, parties, keynotes, hackathons and much more. And speaking of hackathons, have we got a deal for you...
We're going to be participating in several regional hackathons (stay tuned here for the announcement), and for each hackathon Gluecon will pay for the winner's airfare, hotel room and gluecon registration to come and participate in the on-site Glue hackathon (ALL night at the end of Gluecon day 1). That's right, win and you're in (need I say it? Duh! Winning!).
The first of these hackathons is taking place at SXSW (courtesy of Alcatel-Lucent) at the eBay Hangover Party and Speed Hack. If you're going, just win baby! And we'll see you at Gluecon.
(Expect the Gluecon updates to come fast and furious as we take on all competitors in the octagon of warlock awesomesauce that is Gluecon. Winning!)