Gluecon Female Dev Scholarships
We pride ourselves on Gluecon being an inclusive experience. And we work hard to find great presentations that are being given by female developers. This year, we've got some awesome presentations lined up from leaders like Shanley Kane, Lori Mac Vittie, Michelle Wetzler, Christine Yen, and Laura Merling.Many of you have probably heard Laura Merling's name mentioned before. She's long been a leader in the tech field, and a vocal proponent of getting more females involved as engineers and conference presenters. She's also been a main-stay at our conferences for years. As an added bonus, she's now a big-wig at AT&T.Add all of that up, and I'm happy to announce that we're offering a limited number of Gluecon Female Developer Scholarships - sponsored by AT&T.The scholarship is a free registration to gluecon (it does not include travel, hotel, etc), and is open to anyone that feels they can't make it to Gluecon on their own. Which is to say that we're not simply limiting it to "students," though we would ask that, if you're applying, you use your own discretion (i.e, if you work at Microsoft, get them to pay for it; but if you're a student, or an independent, or someone at a small startup with no funds, then please apply).To apply, send your name, company or school, and a paragraph about what you think you'll get out of being at gluecon to enorlin AT We have a limited number of these, so please don't delay!And many, many thanks to AT&T for being the sponsor of this scholarship program (please take a moment to thank them as well).