GlueCon's CFP
Note: This is a repost from last year….I’m updating desired topics here as we go. And you can always find the latest desired topics from me on Twitter (@defrag).Over here at gluecon, we do things a bit differently when it comes to constructing the agenda. Much to the dismay of PR firms everywhere, I don’t do a “CFP” with a hard date for submission and a hard date when the accepted papers are announced. I don’t do this for one primary reason: a process like that completely ignores the dynamic nature of developers and technology, and locks an agenda in place months in advance. Put another way, what if something earth-shattering happens 32 days out from gluecon? I’d like the flexibility to add that to the agenda without forcing people to begin attending breakouts at 7:30am.As such, I do “rolling” agenda updates. Roughly every two weeks, I go into my submissions folder (having absorbed recent developments), and place another 10-15% of the agenda. My aim is to finalize the agenda at 30-40 days out from the start of gluecon.So, if you want to submit for the agenda, here’s the process: sooner is better than later; send submissions to me (enorlin AT; session title, description, bio and desired session length; wait for questions from me.Topics I’m looking for this year are everything you’d expect: APIs, DevOps, microservices, serverless,blockchain, containers, IoT, database technologies, monitoring/observability, identity management, security, hardware for developers, tools, new technologies, etc…..basically, if it’s an advanced topic for developers, I want to see it. What I don’t want includes: introductory or “101” content, sessions you’ve presented at 4 other conferences, topics aimed at “business people” not developers.One last note: diversity is important to us, so please help us spread this “call for papers” far and wide.