Gluecon's Hackathon

Alright, you've got your gluecon ticket in hand (and if you don't -- I mean, really -- why not?), and you're wondering how your day 1 will end. I have the answer for you.After a day that's jam-packed with awesome, participatory sessions, you'll find yourself at the gluecon evening reception (open bar, of course). That goes until 7:15pm. At which point, the Gluecon Hackathon will begin. The hackathon is sponsored by BlankSlate, PayPal and Twilio (thanks guys!), who will be there to assist you in your quest to build the next big thing (in one evening). In addition, Mashery is stepping up and offering to buy everyone wearing a gluecon badge drinks at the hotel bar from 9:30-10:30pm that night. So, if you need a cold, frosty one to keep those engineering wheels spinning - fear not, you're covered!I hope all of the developers in the house will join in the hackathon. I know I'll be curious to see what comes out it!
