Gluecon's Women in Tech Scholarship
I'm very pleased to say that, with the gracious support of Salesforce, we will once again be able to offer the Gluecon Women in Tech scholarship this year.The scholarship is simple: we have a limited number of "scholarships" to Gluecon. This covers the registration fee for the conference, not any travel, hotel or other travel expenses. If you're a woman working in technology that, for whatever reason, can only make it to Gluecon if the registration fee is covered, then you're a potential scholarship recipient.To be considered, simply email me (enorlin AT by April 8th, 2015 with your name, a short description of your current employment or what school you're attending, and a quick paragraph on why you think Gluecon would be a valuable experience for you (please note: you must be over the age of 18 to apply). We'll let folks know if they're selected shortly thereafter.