Hooking Your Mobile Apps to the Cloud
Gluecon is not a "cloud computing" conference (those will disappear in a couple of years when that term goes out of vogue). Gluecon is a conference for developers living in a "post-cloud" world. What do I mean by that? That if we assume all of the incredibly boring "business" talks about the cloud are resolved (you know the public, private, hybrid, ROI, capex, opex talks -- and by the way, if you want to see those talks you'll find them at *any* other conference on "cloud computing"), we're left in a developer environment with an entirely new landscape of challenges, tools and opportunities. THAT is gluecon.
I don't know what all of those pieces in the new landscape are yet, but I do know three key components that every developer (startup, enterprise or indie) will have to deal with: the cloud, mobile and APIs. Period. End of Story.
To that end, I give you Scott Kveton of Urban Airship on "Hooking your mobile apps to the cloud; the good, the bad and the ugly":
Mobile developers face a variety of challenges in building successful apps. We’re just now starting to scratch the surface in terms of the multi-dimensional abilities of these devices. Smartphones know who you are, where you are, who your friends are and have the ability to engage you at the right time. This is powerful but also means app developers have to think of new ways to build their apps and not just replicate-the-website-in-an-app. The opportunities are huge but the challenges are great:
•Which platforms should you prioritize?
•How do you get users back to your apps after install?
•How do you “scale” the infrastructure for your apps?
•How do you monetize your apps beyond the initial purchase?
•How does the mobile web factor into your app strategy?
Scott Kveton will share insights gleaned from some of Urban Airship’s 8000+ developers on succeeding with their mobile strategy. You’ll learn what’s not working and most importantly hear about real examples of developers that have built engaging, relevant apps with a life of their own.