Last Chance!

This is it. Your last chance to take advantage of the early bird pricing for Gluecon.

I find that it's sometimes helpful if I spell out what's included in early bird registration, so here goes: two full days of content -- that includes all breakouts, keynotes, workshops, etc; two full lunches; two continental breakfasts; coffee/soda breaks; an hour long ice cream parlor afternoon break; an evening reception with an open bar; the gluecon schwag bag; the gluecon tshirt; 2 days of kick-ass conference wifi; the ability to hang with several hundred amazingly smart developers, evangelists, venture capitalists, etc; a private social networking service that allows you to connect with any attendee during or after the show; big discounts into next year's Glue that non-attendees don't see; a friendly staff that wants to help with every little thing; power strips at the tables; an awesome soundtrack (where awesome=far too much 80's rock); the over-the-top obsessive attention to detail that only my wife Kim can bring to an event; conversations and learning about the whole Cloud/API/mobile space that will stay with you until Gluecon 2012; and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't think of right now.

My point's pretty clear, right? Early bird registration for Gluecon is quite simply the most efficient use of your skill broadening, network enhancing, fun having, learning generating dollars around. I hope you'll choose to join us.
