Playing around at Glue

Amidst all of the content at Glue, it can be easy to miss all of the cool technology you'll get to play with/see/touch. Some pretty amazing stuff from people like:Rackspace (cloud infrastructure glue)Socialcast (social data glue)Gnip (services glue)Boomi (integration glue)MindTouch (web architecture glue)rPath (app delivery glue)Appirio (cloud connector glue)CoBaLU (personal cloud glue)Linxter (messaging glue)Mashery (API management glue)Orchestr8 (orchestration glue)Ping Identity (identity glue)Verio (hosting glue)They're an amazing group of sponsors, and we couldn't pull it off without them (tks guys!) -- plus, you're going to be impressed with what they're all working on.Be sure to join us.

glue conference