Polyglot, Polyglot, Polyglot

Sorry, I just really like the word "polyglot." For future reference, a sure-fire way to get my attention with a speaker proposal is to a) include a reference to 80's hair metal in the title or b) use a word that makes me go, "oooooh, that's a good word." Chris Richardson (creator of CloudFoundry) hit on option b perfectly when he emailed me four or five months back and said he'd like to do a workshop about "Developing polyglot applications on Cloud Foundry." I said "yes," and now he (along with Dave McCrory) is doing just that. Four hours of deep-dive for gluecon attendees that'll go something like this:


Modern server-side applications are developed using a mixture of languages and technologies. Developers pick the best technology for each application component thereby avoiding the Golden Hammer syndrome. For example, an application might use NodeJS and Rails for the front-end servers; Scala for the backend servers; MySQL and MongoDB for persistence; and RabbitMQ for messaging. Developing these kind of applications can be challenging since there are so many moving parts that need to be correctly installed and configured. Deployment is even more difficult.

In this workshop, you will learn how Cloud Foundry, which is modern, multi-lingual, multi-service, extensible open-source PaaS, can simplify the development and deployment of polyglot applications. We will talk about how to develop modern applications that run on Cloud Foundry and cover what’s new and different about the cloud environment. You will learn how your application can consume the various services that are provided by Cloud Foundry. We will discuss the various ways of using Cloud Foundry including the Micro Cloud that runs on a laptop as well as the hosted CloudFoundry.com.


You know how this works: look at the agenda, and then get yourself registered.
