Registration is Open

We've opened Gluecon registration -- which apparently is a good thing, since so many of you were asking when you could register.

So, what's the early thumbnail sketch of Gluecon 2012 look like? We're going to do a CloudCamp on May 22nd -- this will be free and open to the public (you won't need to be registered for Gluecon to attend this); look for more details shortly. Then, on May 23rd and 24th - we'll have Gluecon proper. The conference will consists of several types of sessions:

Keynotes: We've begun confirming the keynoters for the event -- I've got the always popular Chris Hoff (aka, Beaker), James Governor of Redmonk, Laura Merling of Alcatel-Lucent, and John Musser of Programmable Web confirmed so far. I'm hoping to announce a really exciting one next week as well.

Tracks: We'll do an afternoon of "tracks" -- 4 hours of sessions grouped around a theme, where the idea is that you get the most out of it by picking a track and going through it front to back. Each track will have a facilitator and there'll be plenty of discussion in addition to the presentations.

Breakout sessions: These are the more traditional, stand-alone sessions. I've begun to place these on the board, they include things like "NoSQL Smackdown 2012," "How to Grow a Team of Data Scientists from Scratch," "Securing Your Pocket to the Cloud: OAuth and Mobile Devices," and "Lessons Learned Building a SQL Database on Hadoop." These sessions will be 30 to 45 minutes in length.

Workshops: We'll have a few in-depth workshops that take place within the structure of the agenda. They'll last roughly 4 hours, and be true deep dives. So far, I've got Adrian Cockcroft, the cloud architect from Netflix, confirmed to come in and do a complete walk-thru of Netflix's cloud architecture and usage front to back; why they made the choices they made around certain technologies, etc (title: "Constructing Cloud Architecture the Netflix Way").

In addition to all of the sessions, your registration includes open bar receptions, meals, a hackathon, prizes, and more technical learning and intimate networking than you can POSSIBLY handle. We design Gluecon to be *the* place for developers and architects that are working in cloud, mobile and APIs to come together. I hope you'll take advantage of the Super Early Bird rate ($550) and join us.

glue conference