The Cloud Top 3's

Rackspace's earnings report prompted a Twitter exchange between myself and Michael DeSilver (of LTech) that seemed interesting enough to report here.Rackspace reported year over year growth in their cloud business of 77%, and sequential growth of 13% -- all on $19 million in revenue (for the cloud biz). This prompted Mike and I to start down a path of "who are the top 3 cloud guys by revenue?" Here's what our twittering resulted in (guesses -- with the exception of public companies):IaaS: On the Infrastructure as a Service side, the top 3 seemed the most obvious...1. Amazon Web Services: did 350mm last year, expecting to do 600-700mm this year.2. Rackspace: 19 million3. Who is in 3rd? Terremark? Saavis? A startup we don't know about? Someone's gotta be doing 5-10 million in the IaaS market....question is: who are they?Notes: The shocking thing here is the gap between #1 and #2. I'd imagine that gap lessens over the coming years, but who knows...PaaS: In the Platform as a Service space, the top 3 also seem fairly obvious -1. (and the platform).2. Google's App Engine3. Microsoft's AzureNotes: (My thoughts, not Mike's) It occurs to me that someone like Intuit might also crack this top three. And as we were twittering, Etelos raised their hand as being in the number 3 spot. Etelos is a public company (so is Intuit), so with a a little digging we could suss out, who of these 5 is actually the top 3.Management Services: This category is a bit trickier. I guess you could really expand it to "cloud services" and really open things up, but originally we were speaking specifically about the consoles, dashboards and interfaces that provide "management" for cloud provisioning, etc. With that in mind, a guess as to the top 31. RightScale2. enStratus3. Scalr (though obviously Scalr is free, so it's position here is based on usage, not revenue).Notes: I think CA probably cracks this list with their recent acquisitions, though it's hard to know where. And if we actually expand the category to "cloud services" -- who knows.It was an interesting exercise, and one that I'd love to see expanded on and tracked --- which reminds me, why aren't there journalists or analysts doing this job?
