The Glue agenda starts to get sticky

We just posted the newest glue agenda - and though it is obviously still a work in progress, some things are beginning to flesh out.I won't recount every update here, but I would like to call attention to two very exciting ones:1. Mitch Kapor has signed on as a keynoter for Gluecon. If you're not familiar with Mitch - well, shame on you for not knowing your tech history - go read wikipedia (see link). Mitch has some pretty significant interests in the "glue space" and plans to lay out how he thinks these trends will lay out. We should probably all listen very closely.2. Kevin Matheny, the mastermind behind Best Buy's Remix initiative will be joining us. Specifically, Kevin will be addressing the topic of how you manage and leverage API infrastructure.3. We're bringing together some "subject matter experts" in really interesting ways: Aaron Fulkerson (of MindTouch fame) on Web Oriented Architecture, Andre Durand on where identity *should* head from here, Andy Morgan around edge-side includes and building below the browser, Phil Windley (ex-CIO for the State of Utah) on building context aware applications using identity, and so so so much more.4. Lastly, the guys from the "platforms" side of Facebook (we're still confirming exactly who) will be showing up to interact around the whole "open social" stack and where they see such things going (and how they plan to build out Facebook).A lot of stuff is still in play, and February will be the month where I really put meat on the bones, so stay tuned. In the meantime, if you're thinking of participating at Gluecon (we don't have attendees, we have participants), then go register. And if you're a sponsor that would like to be involved with what's shaping up to be THE coolest conference this spring, drop me a note (enorlin AT

glue conference