The Worm in, the early birds gets the...
Gluecon's "Super Early Bird" rate ends this coming Friday -- which means the cost of attending is about to go up.
The agenda is still completely in flux, but several things are starting to come together, and the next month will see the full bloom hit that rose. The sessions that I'm already excited about include things like:
"Scaling Mobile Services on Diverse Networks"
"Developing RESTful Android Client Apps"
"The Badass Beyond Hadoop: Percolator, Dremmel, Pregel"
"Efficient Big Data Analysis: RAID, RAM, SSD"
"Securing Your Pocket to The Cloud: OAuth and Mobile Devices"
"How to Grow A Team of Data Scientists From Scratch"
And that's just a sampling. Throw in all of the keynotes, workshops on Netflix's architecture and Cloud Foundry, a hackathon, the receptions, and 500+ engineers hanging out at a resort tucked up against the backdrop of the mountains -- and you get the recipe that is Gluecon.
I hope you'll take advantage of the rate expiring this Friday and join us.