Women in Tech Scholarship
I'm very pleased to say that, with the gracious support of AT&T (and, especially, Laura Merling), we will once again be able to offer the Gluecon Women in Tech scholarship this year. This is the second year that AT&T has stepped up to do this, and we're quite grateful.The scholarship is simple: we have a limited number of "scholarships" to Gluecon. This covers the registration fee for the conference, not any travel, hotel or other travel expenses. If you're a woman working in technology that, for whatever reason, can only make it to Gluecon if the registration fee is covered, then you're a potential scholarship recipient.To be considered, simply email me (enorlin AT mac.com) by April 1st, 2014 with your name, a short description of your current employment or what school you're attending, and a quick paragraph on why you think Gluecon would be a valuable experience for you (please note: you must be over the age of 18 to apply). We'll let folks know if they're selected by Friday, April 4th.If you're looking for a bit more information on the show, the current agenda is here.And, even if you're not a potential recipient of the scholarship, please help us spread the word!