An Agenda Sneak Peek

We'll be releasing the first draft of the Gluecon agenda in the next few days, but I thought I'd blog a quick sneak peek at some of the things we've got planned.

Things like confirmed keynoters that include:

  • James Governor, Redmonk
Laura Merling, Alcatel-Lucent
  • James Urquhart, enStratus
  • Chris Hoff, Juniper Networks
  • John Musser, Programmable Web
  • Ray O'Brien, CTO of IT, NASA

Sessions that include:

  • "NoSQL Smackdown 2012"
  • "How to Grow a Team of Data Scientists From Scratch"
  • "Geo-fencing Without A Server"
  • "Securing Your Pocket to The Cloud: OAuth and Mobile Devices"
  • "Lessons Learned Building a SQL Database on Hadoop"
  • "Decomposing applications for scalability and deployability"
  • "Model-Driven Deployment: The Best Practice Successor to Virtual Appliances"
  • "We Don't Need no Stinkin App Server! Building a Two-tier Mobile App"

And 4-hour long workshops that include:

  • "Constructing Cloud Architecture the Netflix Way"
  • "Building on Cloud Foundry"

Did I also mention the CloudCamp (May 22nd) and the Hackathon? And that's just the *first draft*.

We've got a boatload of aweseomesauce coming to your way at Gluecon. I hope you'll choose to take advantage of the Super Early Bird pricing (which is insanely affordable) and join us.

glue conference