Demo Pod Applications

Thanks to the generous support of our community underwriter, Alcatel-Lucent, we're once again able to have demo pods at Gluecon.

If you're not familiar with the Gluecon demo pods, here's how they work: 1) startups that are in the seed/early stage submit an application by March 23rd; 2) our panel of judges (to be announced soon) votes for their 15 favorite demo pods; 3) the selected startups get a free demo pod (with signage, internet, the pod, free passes -- ie, everything but travel included) in which to show their wares; 4) attendees at gluecon vote on their favorite demo pod; 5) the winner of that delivers the closing keynote at Gluecon.

The deadline to get your submission in is March 23, 2012.

We're interested in startups working in the areas of big data, cloud computing, APIs, mobile apps,, time to spread the word, get busy, and get your applications submitted!

glue conference