Announcing the 2019 Diversity Scholarships
(This is a bit of a re-post from last year, but it all still applies.)Over here at Gluecon, we’ve been working on inclusiveness and diversity (and diversity scholarships) for several years now. Along the way, we’ve learned a bunch, and had what I thought was some limited success, but there’s always that desire to do more.Our goal is quite simple: to create as diverse and welcoming a conference environment as we can.I’m exceedingly pleased to announce that this year’s scholarships are being underwritten by the Anchor Point Foundation. (Update: We've also added Salesforce as a supporter of the Diversity Scholarships!)The scholarships will work much as it has in the past: It is open to women, minorities, or any other underrepresented group in tech, and covers admission to the conference (and all of its sessions, meals), but not travel expenses or hotel expenses.If you’d like to apply for one of the scholarships, send me an email (enorlin AT with the following:
- a quick biography (tell us about yourself)
- a short paragraph explaining why you’d like to attend, and how you feel you’ll contribute to gluecon
We’re not setting a “deadline” for applications, but rather looking to give as many of these scholarships away as we can (more on that in a bit), while giving folks the maximum amount of time to plan. All of which is to say, that you should not delay in shooting me an email. 😉You can find our Code of Conduct here.Lastly, we’re not done of this front, and we’d love to have other companies join in. If you’re a vendor that’s interested in helping to foster a more diverse environment at gluecon, please be in touch (enorlin AT