Gluecon's 2020 CFP-ish

[Note: This is a repost from last year….I’m updating desired topics here as we go. And you can always find the latest desired topics from me on Twitter (@defrag).] Over here at gluecon, we do things a bit differently when it comes to constructing the agenda. Much to the dismay of PR firms everywhere, I don’t do a “CFP” with a hard date for submission and a hard date when the accepted papers are announced. I don’t do this for one primary reason: a process like that completely ignores the dynamic nature of developers and technology, and locks an agenda in place months in advance. Put another way, what if something earth-shattering happens 32 days out from gluecon? I’d like the flexibility to add that to the agenda without forcing people to begin attending breakouts at 7:30am.As such, I do “rolling” agenda updates. Roughly every two weeks, I go into my submissions folder (having absorbed recent developments), and place another 10-15% of the agenda. My aim is to finalize the agenda at 30-40 days out from the start of gluecon.So, if you want to submit for the agenda, here’s the process: sooner is better than later; send submissions to me (enorlin AT; session title, description, bio and desired session length; wait for questions from me.Topics I’m looking for this year are everything you’d expect: Containers (Kubernetes and otherwise), APIs, DevOps, microservices, serverless, monitoring/observability, GraphQL, identity management, IoT, database technologies,  security, hardware for developers, tools, new technologies, etc…..basically, if it’s an advanced topic for developers, I want to see it. What I don’t want includes: introductory or “101” content, sessions you’ve presented at 4 other conferences, topics aimed at “business people” not developers.One last note: diversity is important to us, so please help us spread this “call for papers” far and wide.[Edit/Addition: 12/11/19 --I've begun to sketch out a framework for the agenda. As a general structure, we'll be running 5 "tracks" on day 1, and then topically driven (non-tracks) on day 2. The tracks that I'm currently outlining for day 1 include:APIs (there was a resurgence of interest in APIs last year)Containers/Kubernetes as an OperatorContainers/Kubernetes as a Developer (I'm hearing LOTS of feedback on this one; that devs are having a love/hate relationship relationship with K8s. This track is meant to probe that at technically advanced levels)Serverless/Service MeshObservability & MonitoringWorkshops (mixed topics)I'll be posting more fine-grained topics in the coming weeks, and will have the first skeleton draft out in the next few weeks. In the meantime, please share your thoughts with me (@defrag on twitter). [Edit 1/9/2020:I've begun sketching out the first draft of the agenda here. That should start to give some idea as to where my head is at on this year's agenda. I'm still looking for session submissions on all KINDS of topics --- not just the track topics, but also things like:eBPFWASMhelmistiofalcofirecrackerfargatenomadtensorflownodeenvoygraphQLlinkerdSubmit away!]
