Gluecon's CFP-ish

It's January, which means it's time to start putting together the Gluecon agenda. If you've never been to Gluecon, and this is the first you're looking at it, know this: our mission is simple -- be the most technically deep, developer-focused tech conference on the planet. That should also guide your speaking submissions.At Gluecon, we don't really do a traditional "CFP" per se. Which is to say that I don't have a deadline (we fill as we fill), and we don't try to shoehorn talks into tracks and time slots. Rather, we let the talks show us what the agenda should be -- in terms of tracks, how long sessions are, etc.If you're submitting a speaker proposal for Gluecon, know these things:1. We're looking for technical depth. An "intro to Hadoop" session is never making the agenda. A "how I used Go and Rocket to make my coffee maker self-aware" session is gonna get looked at (I'm kidding on the title, but you get the idea).2. You tell me how long you think your session should be. Seriously. I'm not saying you'll have that much time, but I want to know how much time you think you need to fully explore that topic. 20 minutes? 1 hour? 4 hours? Tell me. And the more time you think you need, the more detailed your speaking proposal should be.3. Generally speaking, I'm looking for a session title, a paragraph or two, and a quick 2-3 line bio.4. Diversity matters to us. Please pass this along and help us get as much diversity on stage as possible.5. Here are some helpful tips from last year.And, lastly, what about topics...Generally speaking, I'm interested in anything DevOps, Cloud, Mobile, API, Big data, distributed systems, and developer-related. So, fire away.More specifically, I write down random things over the holiday break as I do some reading. That completely unedited list is:

  • kubernetes
  • kafka
  • rocket
  • IoT mgmt/orchestration
  • lambda
  • continuous deployment
  • IO.js
  • coreOS
  • mesos
  • docker
  • go
  • swift
  • errplane
  • microservices
  • drill
  • hashicorp (atlas)
  • google cloud dataflow
  • bitcoin
Shoot your submissions to me via email (enorlin AT, and be sure to follow me on twitter (@defrag).