Some Early Gluecon Sessions

I haven't yet released the first draft of the Gluecon 2015 agenda. I have, however, began working away at the agenda, and have confirmed roughly 15 of what will be the 80+ technical sessions we'll have at Gluecon. If you're thinking about attending this year's show, I thought a sneak peak into some of the early confirmed sessions would be useful. A few of the sessions confirmed include:Using Containers and Kubernetes to Enable the Development of Object-Oriented Infrastructure (Brendan Burns, Google): The development of object-oriented programming languages lead to a phase shift in the development of software patterns, re-usable components and plugin architectures. With the growing use of containers and cluster management systems like Kubernetes, we are beginning the the same types of architectures emerging. From the use of ambassador patterns for service discovery, to sidecar containers that do log processing, containers are enabling modular, re-usable distributed systems. Further they provide an abstraction which enables us to see the common patterns that exist across distributed systems and develop APIs and pluggable infrastructure that makes building distributed systems easier. In this talk we will see how container management infrastructure enables everyone to build robust, scalable distributed applications, without the restrictions of traditional PaaS.API Readiness: Is Your API Ready for Primetime? (Lorinda Brandon, SmartBear): Whether your business relies on your API for revenue and brand awareness or your internal teams rely on it for their applications, it's important that your consumers can rely on your API. So how do you know it's ready? API Readiness is more than just great design or clean code or efficient testing – it's a combination of things from design through production. Lorinda Brandon, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, API Products at SmartBear Software, explores the key aspects of API readiness and how you can make sure your API is ready for all the people who will depend on it.How to Build a Data Scientist’s Optimal Open Source Stack (Nicole White, Neo Technology): With many great languages and software available for data storage and analysis, it can be difficult to choose the tools that are appropriate for your domain, let alone tools that play nicely together. For a data scientist, backend development consists of data collection and storage, while frontend development consists of predictive data analysis and reporting. With the appropriate technology stack, this process is seamless: learn how to combine the compact syntax of Python, the power of an open source graph database Neo4j, and the easy reporting functionality of R to build a data scientist’s optimal open source stack. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python to collect data from Twitter’s API, Neo4j to safely and easily store this highly-connected data, and R to build professional, clean reports.Ansible Power Tricks from the Guy Who Wrote Ansible (Michael DeHaan, Ansible): This talk is all about Ansible power tricks from the guy who wrote Ansible. We'll show how to do zero downtime rolling updates with a variety of load-balancers, connect Ansible to send messages to chat servers while builds are running, and show how to make your playbooks talk to you using your computer's audio system (which may not be appropriate in all office environments).   We'll also show all the ways it can be easily extended via various plugins, and how to develop modules to make it easier to automate *whatever you want*, rather than just relying on what ships with the tool....and that's just an early look.Stay tuned for the first draft of the agenda, and in the meantime, get registered for gluecon!
